European Association for Japanese Studies

TIFO 30th Anniversary Essay Contest

TIFO 30th Anniversary Essay Contest as part of the ’30-year Milestone Summit in Tokyo Project’

The Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) marked the 30th anniversary of its establishment on April 11, 2019. On this occasion, TIFO intends to celebrate the invaluable network of people and its partnerships with distinguished organizations worldwide in the field of Japanese studies which was built up over the last three decades.

As part of its global network, TIFO has established a strong and sustainable relationship with the European Association of Japanese Studies, built on mutual trust, and aimed at promoting and supporting the next generations of scholars in Japanese studies.

In the context of the ’30-year Milestone Summit in Tokyo Project’, TIFO has invited contributions to an essay contest in 2019. Below please find the names of the essay contest winners as well as their contributions.

Results of the Contest

The Top 3 winners are (in alphabetical order):

Dr. Ioannis GAITANIDIS (Chiba University) (click here for the essay)
Eiko HONDA (University of Oxford) (click here for the essay)
Dr. Aike Peter ROTS (University of Oslo) (click here for the essay)

The winners in places 4-10 are (in alphabetical order):

Dr. Michael FACIUS (University College of London) (click here for the essay)
Aya HINO (Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Heidelberg University) (click here for the essay)
Dr. Radu Alexandru LECA (Heidelberg University) (click here for the essay)
Dr. Bernhard LEITNER (University of Vienna) (click here for the essay)
Niklas SÖDERMAN (Tallin University) (click here for the essay)
Sarah STARK (Gent University) (click here for the essay)
Dr. Takahiro YAMAMOTO (Heidelberg University) (click here for the essay)