European Association for Japanese Studies


EAJS Workshops for Doctoral Candidates

The EAJS Workshops for Doctoral Students aim to create a European multidisciplinary network of advanced graduate students and senior scholars in Japan Studies. The informal environment of the workshop provides a unique opportunity for participants to work together intensively to enhance individual projects and engage in concentrated discussions of common themes and methods. Through presentations and focused sessions, doctoral candidates give and receive critical feedback on their dissertation proposals, fieldwork plans and preliminary results. The participating Ph.D. candidates will be asked to read the proposals of their peers and prepare for workshop presentations linking their own work to the broader international Japan Studies field.

EAJS Publication Workshops

The workshop offers young scholars in the field of Japanese Studies and related disciplines an opportunity to discuss their publication projects with experienced researchers and editors from renowned English-language peer-reviewed journals.

Participants can expect to receive advice about how to find the right journal to publish their work, how to write letters to the editor in the submission process, and how to address critical issues raised in the review process.


Toshiba International Foundation Fellowships

The TIFO Fellowship program aims at enabling Ph.D. candidates to pursue research in Japan for their ongoing Ph.D. projects. Applicants must be doctoral students by the time of applying as well as by the time of the scheduled research stay in Japan. They should be specializing in any field of Japanese Studies at a European institution. Applications by postdoctoral researchers cannot be accepted. Furthermore, only candidates pursuing their first Ph.D. degree are eligible to apply.

TIFO 30 Anniversary Essay Contest

The essay contest was a part of the Toshiba International Foundation’s ’30-year Milestone Summit in Tokyo Project’.

The Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO) marked the 30th anniversary of its establishment on April 11, 2019. On this occasion, TIFO celebrated the invaluable network of people and its partnerships with distinguished organizations worldwide in the field of Japanese Studies which was built up over the last three decades.

As part of its global network, TIFO has established a strong and sustainable relationship with the European Association of Japanese Studies, built on mutual trust, and aimed at promoting and supporting the next generations of scholars in Japanese studies.

In the context of the ’30-year Milestone Summit in Tokyo Project’, TIFO has invited contributions to an essay contest in 2019. Below please find the names of the essay contest winners as well as their contributions.

EAJS Bulletin

The EAJS publishes a Bulletin once a year covering information on the organization itself, on other Japan-related institutions, on forthcoming events in the field of Japanese Studies throughout Europe, on recent publications (also in languages other than English) and summaries of conferences and other meetings. Membership fees include distribution of a PDF version of the EAJS Bulletin.