Who Won the War

A Hiroshima survivor embarks for America to avenge his father’s death, but gets tricked into a medical experimentation program for radioactive subjects.
An Anthropologist in Changing Japan: 45 years working with one Village

The story of an anthropologist’s 45 year affair with one horticultural village in Japan
みゃーくふつの未来:消えゆく声、生まれる声 (The future of Myaakufutsu: vanishing voices, emerging voices)

The future of Myaakufutsu: vanishing voices, emerging voices
Kazoku no Shomei (Proof of Family)

An Ethiopian asylum seeker in Tokyo takes on Japan’s bureaucracy to prove his legal family ties to his wife and daughter.
祭りに生きる・京都の鉾差し (Hokosashi(The Kenhoko bearers) of Kyoto)

The kenhoko, originally a spear-like weapon, combines elements of exorcising spirits and welcoming the deity.
日比谷に咲いたタカラヅカの花 (Recollection of the Violets)

Recollection of the Violets
坂網猟 −人と自然の付き合い方を考える (Sakaami, Traditional Wild Duck Hunting: Thinking About the Relationship Between People and Nature)

This movie asks about the symbiosis of humans and nature through traditional bird hunting..
おみおくり〜Sending Off〜

Sending Off” follows the patients of Dr. Konta Kaoru and her team of nurses as they receive end-of-life medical care in their homes. Filmed over one year in rural Japan, the changing seasons provide a backdrop to the deepening relationships the patients form with their families as they reach the end of their lives.

Ōkunoshima was the biggest poison gas factory in Asia, but today, it’s just known as the ‘bunny island’. Its chemical weapons are still around – and still dangerous.

Joso is a film exploring the multiple layers of involvement in new wave cross-dressing (josō) subculture and media in the 2010s.