Membership (Pre-2024)

To become a member of EAJS or renew your membership, please download and fill in the form:

Also, please send your printouts with your signature by postal mail or fax to our office address below.

Membership options

Please note that membership of the EAJS is always for a period of three calendar years – we do not offer one-year memberships. The fees stated in the application form are for a three-year membership. Memberships are paid-up until the end of the third calendar year of the three year period the membership fee was paid for.

The fees for a three-year membership are as follows (fees include receiving the annual EAJS Bulletin):

  • €180: institutional membership
  • €90: personal membership
  • €45: reduced fee for students

How to pay

We accept PayPal, Credit Card, Transfer and Bank Cheque.

Please do not send credit card details by email and refrain from sending picture files such as *.jpg, *.bmp or *.gif. Please make sure that all your information is complete and legible.

Bank: HypoVereinsbank München, Germany
Swift (BIC): HYVEDEMMXXX | IBAN: DE20700202700659520338

  • To transfer within Europe select SEPA transfer which incurs no additional charges for you or the EAJS.
  • If sending via SWIFT transfer, please select the option “OUR (sender pays costs)”, so you incur additional charges not EAJS – ask your bank for details.
  • We will shortly switch to an online application format with the card payments being possible via Stripe and PayPal.

Office of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS) c/o Freie Universität Berlin Institute of East Asian Studies Japanese Studies Hittorfstr. 18 14195 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49-30-838-50929 Fax: +49-30-838-4-50931 Mail:

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Our maling list is hosted by Freie Universität Berlin. This unmoderated mailing list can only be obtained by subscribed EAJS members. Click below to go to the signup page.

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