Application / Renewal
To become a member of EAJS or renew your membership, please fill in the following online form. It enables you to register for EAJS conferences for a reduced fee. Moreover, you will be subscribed to the EAJS email list, EAJS-L (it is possible to unsubscribe from the list at any time).
Membership option
Please note that membership of the EAJS is always for a period of three calendar years – we do not offer one-year memberships. The fees stated in the application form are for a three-year membership. Memberships are paid-up until the end of the third calendar year of the three year period the membership fee was paid for.
The fees for a three-year membership are as follows (fees include receiving the annual EAJS Bulletin):
- €180: institutional membership
- €90: personal membership
- €45: reduced fee for students
Increase of membership fees in 2025
The increase of membership fees will take effect from 01 February 2025. Please find more information here.
Office of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS)
c/o Freie Universität Berlin
Institute of East Asian Studies
Japanese Studies
Hittorfstr. 18
14195 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49-30-838-50929
Fax: +49-30-838-4-50931