Increase of membership fees in 2025

For the past seven years, the European Association of Japanese Studies has kept membership fees relatively low compared to other academic organisations. However, as is generally the case, costs have dramatically risen in the past years for this association as well. Moreover, we have seen a slow but steady decrease in third-party funding.

At the same time, the EAJS has continued to expand its activities with PhD and Publication workshops, international conferences in Europe and Japan and the allocation of Fellowships, among other things. The EAJS Council and Office would like to continue to do so and serve its members at the same professional level as before.

To this end, and to put the EAJS on a sound financial footing, the General Assembly in August 2023 thus had adopted a new membership fee structure, which has come into effect on 1 February 2025.

This new structure includes a raise in membership fees. However, we agreed to take into account the varied economic situation of all our members and thus have replaced the previous uniform personal membership fee structure with a three-tier system, differentiated by income.

Before explaining the new structure, we should emphasise that membership is always for a period of three calendar years, as we do not offer one-year only memberships. Thus, all of the following prizes are for three years.

Members with a low income will therefore pay the same fee as before, namely €90 (i.e. €30 per year), the same as the previous regular membership level. Additionally, there will be a medium-income tier at €150 (€50 p.a.) and a high-income tier at €210 (€70 per year).

Furthermore, the student membership fee will be increased from €45 to €60 for three years, and the institutional membership fee will be increased from €180 to €240 (€80 per year).

We will not ask for proof of income, but will rely on the voluntary self-assessment of our members, when registering for EAJS membership.

See below the illustration of the new prize structure, including income brackets for the respective categories. Note that all income brackets are meant before taxes.

EAJS members whose membership has already lapsed will be able to renew their membership based on the old fee structure until 31 January 2025 (online registration is now possible under After that, membership registration and renewal will be based on the new fees.

You can find the new registration page here