What does it mean to be forced to leave your home due to an invisible threat, with no timeline for your return? The Japanese government claims that “everything is under control” in Fukushima. But is it? Six years has passed since the morning of March 12, 2011, when the decision to evacuate more than 150,000 residents was made due to the nuclear explosion. This film follows a group of people whose lives have forever been disrupted by the disaster: a nuclear power plant executive, a priest, a travel inn owner, a farmer, the mayor of a local town, a 86 year old evacuee, and a 19 year old teenager. As villages inside the evacuation zone prepare for its reopening, successful resurrection depends on the return of their citizens and the perception that spaces are once again safe for everyday human life.日本政府は、福島は「すべてコントロールのもとにある」と言っているが、それは果たして本当なのだろうか。原発の事故により、15万人を避難させる決定が下された2011年3月12日の朝より6年が経過した。この映画は、あの惨事に日常の生活を壊された人々ー東京電力の幹部、宮司、旅館の女将、農家、地元の市長、86歳と19歳の避難者ーを追ったものである。避難区域内の町が避難勧告を解かれ再生を目指す今、復興の成功は住民の帰還と土地の安全性にか
Website: filmfreeway.com/HumanError