
Current Events

International Symposium on Ainu and Okinawa/Ryūkyū

I would like to draw your attention to an international symposium (HYFLEX) organized by Hōsei University and the Centre Européen d’Études Japonaises d’Alsace (CEEJA) in Strasbourg and Colmar from March 14 to 16, 2025 on the topic “Northern Lights III. Cultural Coexistence and the Future of Japanese Society. Comparative Perspective from North to South”. The symposium follows on from two previous events that focused primarily on Northeast Japan and the Ainu. In the third part, in addition to the Northeast, Okinawa and the Kingdom of Ryūkyū will also be considered.

Further information can be found at

Registration is required for in-person and online participation: Email: .

With best wishes

Regine Mathias



Prof. Dr. Regine Mathias-Pauer

Vice-Présidente „Études Japonaises”
Centre Européen d’Études Japonaises d’Alsace (CEEJA)
1 rue Camille Schlumberger
68000 Colmar, France

Saikaku Bakin Symposium (March 20)

Here is a reminder of the upcoming  2025 Saikaku Bakin Symposium that will be held on the 20th (Thursday), the 21st (Friday), and the 22nd (Saturday) of March 2025 at Collège de France and Paris Cité University.

The program, abstracts, and Zoom links for remote audience participation are available on the Symposium website (

Please feel free to share and repost this information.


Best regards,

Paul Schalow (Rutgers University)

Daniel Struve (Paris Cité University)

"Writing With, Against, or for Machines? Generative AI and the Question of Authorship" (Link: March 19, 2025 / 6.00pm (JST) / 10.00am (CET) Kateryna Shabelnyk, Nagoya University

Whether in Japan or elsewhere, the creation of books has never been an individual endeavor. Most noticeable in the publishing process, where texts are written, edited, and proofread by multiple individuals, the plurality of authorship is evident, though often overlooked. Locating this plurality can be challenging enough in contexts such as literary translation, but the issue becomes even more complex when machines enter the equation.


The AI boom following the public release of ChatGPT in November 2022 sparked debates on the ethical use of generative tools and copyright issues. At the same time, however, it also prompted a reconsideration of the inherent fluidity of authorship as a concept in both arts and literature. In my presentation, I examine how authorship is negotiated in contemporary Japanese literature in the context of AI. I focus on several case studies—from The Day a Computer Writes a Novel (2016) by the Kimagure jinkō chinō no sakka desunoyo project to Sympathy Tower Tokyo (2024) by Rie Qudan. I argue that each of them demonstrates how the notion of who (and what) can be an “author” has been gradually expanding over the past decade.


Writing with AI tools does not simply mean using them; it also requires adapting to their constraints and possibilities. Unlike other writing assistants, such tools can suggest ideas, provide feedback, or even completely rewrite a text—activities that warrant acknowledgment as a co-author or at least as an editor. And yet they are never truly autonomous, as they require human guidance at every stage of the process. By analyzing what form this (co)-authorship takes in my case studies, I address the question posed in my title: “Does writing with AI mean writing with, against, or, ultimately, for machines?”


Kateryna Shabelnyk is a first-year PhD student at Nagoya University. Her dissertation project examines the impact of text-generative AI tools on contemporary Japanese literature, focusing on literary prizes. She is particularly interested in how recent developments in AI complicate the categories of authorship, originality, and creativity. Presently, she is working under the interdisciplinary TokAI BOOST fellowship.


Hybrid Event:
For on-site participation, please register via email to until March 17, 2025.
For online participation, please register here (Zoom).


This is a public event. Please be aware that audio-visual recordings may be made, stored, and published during and after the event.


DIJ Tokyo

Jochi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F, 7-1 Kioicho

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094, Japan