Dr. Barbara Geilhorn
I feel honoured to have been re-elected as a member of the EAJS council. Currently based in Japan, I am a mid-career scholar with a strong focus on interdisciplinary research. Relying on my work and research experiences in various academic environments, including Germany, Japan and the UK, I hope to contribute to strengthening the network of Japanese Studies. To date, I have worked on cultural representations of the Fukushima disaster, negotiations of gender and power in classical Japanese culture, and stagings of contemporary society in Japanese performing arts.
Being an EAJS member since 2003, I have come to cherish EAJS conferences not only as a valuable platform for sharing insights with international colleagues, but also as a space for discussing my own research and further expanding my knowledge of Japanese Studies. I served as a convenor for the Performing Arts Section at the EAJS Conference in 2017 in Lisbon and the Visual & Performing Arts, Film and Media Studies Section at the EAJS Conference Japan in 2018 in Tsukuba.
My aim will be to further promote interdisciplinary exchange in the EAJS and to enhance the reach of European research on Japan by attracting scholars from Japan and the U.S. In addition, I also envision taking the initiative in exploring ways and means to utilize the EAJS as a platform to support both early and mid-career scholars in taking the next steps in promoting their academic careers.

Curriculum Vitae
Since 2018 Senior researcher at the German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo
Since 2016 Adjunct researcher at the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University
2017 Lecturer in Japanese Cultural Studies, University of Manchester
2016 Humboldt Foundation postdoctoral researcher at the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures“, Free University Berlin
2014 –2016 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science postdoctoral researcher at Waseda University
2009 – 2014 Lecturer in Japanese Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
2007 – 2009 Lecturer in Japanese Studies, University of Trier
2008 Ph.D. in Japanese Studies at University of Trier
2003 – 2006 German Research Foundation doctoral research fellow at the “Identity and Difference. Gender Constructions and Interculturality (18th-‐21st Century)”
Graduate College (University of Trier)
2000 Magistra Artium in Japanese Studies at Free University Berlin
1999 B.A. in German Literature at Free University Berlin
1997 B.A. in Art History at Free University Berlin
List of selected publications
2023 (with Linda Flores, eds): Literature After Fukushima. From Marginalized Voices to Nuclear Futurity. Routledge.
https://www.routledge.com/Literature-‐After-‐Fukushima-‐From-‐Marginalized-‐ Voices-‐to-‐Nuclear-‐Futurity/Flores-‐Geilhorn/p/book/9781032258577
2021 (with Peter Eckersall, Andreas Regelsberger, and Cody Poulton, eds): Okada Toshiki & Japanese Theatre. Aberystwyth, UK: Performance Research Books. https://thecpr.org.uk/product/okada-‐toshiki-‐japanese-‐theatre/
2021 Towards a Culture of Responsibility – Relating Fukushima, Chernobyl, and the Atomic Bombings in Setoyama Misaki’s Theatre. Japan Forum. 33, 4: 497-‐521.
2021 Genjitsu wo henyō saseru fikushon – Okada Toshiki no engeki kara kore kara no nihonshakai wo yomitoku (Fiction that transforms reality: understanding the future of Japanese society through the plays of Toshiki Okada). In: Kimura Saeko and Bayard-‐Sakai, Anne (eds): Sekai bungaku toshite no shinsaigo bungaku. Akashi shoin, 97-‐118.
2019 A Multifaceted Fukushima – Trauma and Memory in Ōnobu Pelican’s Kiruannya and U-‐ko. The Asia Pacific Journal Vol.17, Issue 1, No.1, January 19.