2007 TIFO Fellows
Tatsuma Padoan (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy) Paul J. Scalise (University of Oxford, UK)
2022 TIFO Fellows

The TIFO Fellowship program aims at enabling Ph.D. candidates to pursue research in Japan for their ongoing Ph.D. projects.
2021 TIFO Fellows

Erik Isaksson with Keisuke Omori, President of TOSHIBA International Foundation
2020 TIFO Fellows

Baihui Duan and Nicole Marion Müller with Keisuke Omori, President of TOSHIBA International Foundation
2019 TIFO Fellows

2018 TIFO Fellows

Mariko Kuwayama (Senior Project Officer), Niklaas Söderman, Shanshan Huang, Emanuela Sala and Keisuke Omori (President of TOSHIBA International Fundation) Maro Dotulong (University of Oxford) Andreas Eder-Ramsauer (Freie Universitaet Berlin) Shanshan Huang (University of Pavia) Emanuela Sala (SOAS, University of London) Niklas Söderman (Tallinn University) Read the participants’ reports here
2017 TIFO Fellows

Eiko Honda (University of Oxford) Hana Kloutvorova (University Olomouc) Daniel Wollnik (Ruhr-University Bochum) Read the participants’ reports here
2016 TIFO Fellows

Sigfrid Östberg (University of Oxford) Lewis Bremner (University of Oxford) Kristyna Vojtiskova (Charles University Prague) Read the participants’ reports here
2015 TIFO Fellows

Anita Borbola Nemeth (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary) Bernhard Leitner (University of Vienna, Austria) Hai Guo (University of Leeds, UK) Read the participants’ reports here
2014 TIFO Fellows

Dolf-Alexander Neuhaus (Freie Universitaet Berlin) Benedikt Vogel (University of Trier) Stefan Jeka (Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main) Read the participants’ reports here